Concurrent Sessions
Choose your session:
The masterclasses will be offered on nine topics essential to enabling us to meet the challenges of becoming a church ‘permanently in the state of mission.’ Masterclasses will be longer in length than the other concurrent sessions (on Tuesday and Wednesday they will be double workshop session time). The presenter will engage learners in an active process of considering advanced concepts and ideas and how they apply to practical situations of mission, ministry and leadership. There is assumed participant knowledge on the topic.
These sessions will be an open invitation for all participants to engage with one another and the conversation leader on a topic. Bring your questions and thoughts along, listen deeply to others, share your own perspective and let your voice be heard.
These sessions will be led by experts in their field. The presenter will provide short talks on a particular topic. There will be time to engage in the subject matter with questions and discussion.
These sessions will draw from the expertise and lived experience of the person presenting. Themes and content for workshops and presentations include contemporary topics and challenges for Australian Church. Participants will be actively involved in these sessions.
Concurrent Session
Monday May 13
2.00pm – 3.15pm
1.1 Seminar with Panel: Good governance for effective mission
Fr Brian Lucas – National Director, Catholic Mission
Mr Richard Haddock – Board Director, Catholic Church Insurance
Ms Josephine Heesh – Partner, Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers
This panel discussion will open up some of the contemporary issues in ecclesial governance that impact on mission. How do the laity and hierarchy properly interact in a collegial process of shared responsibility? What are some of the areas of conflict and confusion that inhibit the functioning of church boards? How can we better foster transparency and accountability in our governance structures and processes? For participants, this Seminar will provide those involved in governance some key insights, information and confidence to face challenges in their mission.
1.2 Seminar: The art of listening and engagement in response to the Catholic spiritual tradition
Mr Shane Dwyer – Director, National Centre for Evangelisation
We begin with input and discussion on listening in a small group context, with a focus on the basic principles of engagement and detachment. The question of how to locate more than our own immediate thoughts and opinions will be addressed, utilising accessible ‘truths’ from the Catholic spiritual tradition. From there a small group of volunteers will role play the intended dynamic with the rest of the participants watching. Small groups will form to practice this type of interaction. The seminar concludes in the large group for observations and the answering of questions. A takeaway resource will be provided, as well as the offer of ongoing mentoring for those who would like to trial this form of guided group discussion back in their own context.
1.3 Workshop: Welcoming people with disability and their families
Ms Lisa Chen – Presenter and advocate for people living with disability
This workshop will assist participants in the way they are open and inclusive of people with disabilities and their families. From the experience of someone living with disabilities, this workshop will explore how we build and nurture relationships and be inclusive of all people in our work and social lives.
1.4 Workshop: “Bring in the poor and the crippled”: Spiritual accompaniment of those on the fringes
Mrs Elizabeth Lee – Spiritual Director
Who comes to the banquet of spiritual nourishment and who is not invited to this banquet? Do we go into the streets and alleys and bring in those who are poor or crippled, blind or lame? Can we? How can we?
Drawing on my experiences over the past eight years, I share some of my reflections on spiritually companioning people on the margins. Men and women who have been incarcerated, those experiencing homelessness, living with mental illness and struggling with addictions, have challenged and encouraged me. Together we will explore ways of offering a deep listening presence in non-traditional settings.
1.5 Workshop: Entering the landscape of new models in shared leadership and collaboration for mission
Sr Stancea Vichie MSS – Congregational Leader, Missionary Sister of Service
In this time of unprecedented change, we need to imagine new ways, new models of being together in mission. The workshop content will explore potential, developing and already-existing models of communion based on shared leadership and collaboration for mission. The workshop will touch on the values and ethos of communion for shared leadership. It will encourage sharing of models which participants are imagining or are involved in now. The process of the workshop will allow each participant to share their story and thoughts on emerging models, and form new connections with other participants for ideas, encouragement and action.
1.6 Workshop: Parishes at the heart of a Church as field hospital
Mr Denis Fitzgerald – Executive Director, Catholic Social Services Victoria
Parishes are a key part of the Church – that’s where the people are. Many parishes offer services to the community, and many cooperate with social services agencies. The overall picture is rich and varied.
But challenges loom large, as some parish communities continue to shrink, and there are areas where linkages with social service agencies are not strong.
This interactive workshop will draw on the experience of participants to build a picture of what is possible in parishes in providing services to those in need; and how parishes and social service agencies can better assist those in need by working together. The principles and learning will be applicable to other agencies, groups and individuals who also wish to partner with social service agencies to assist those in need.
1.7 Conversation: God and Faith through our lens
NATSICC members
Join the members of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) to discuss the concept of God and faith through an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lens. Consisting of both urban and remote viewpoints, the conversation will enhance the ways in which you work alongside our people by nurturing understanding and building mutual respect. The deep faith and spirituality of Australia’s first people have helped build a resiliency and unique viewpoint that will continue to enrich the Catholic Church in Australia.
1.8 Workshop: Responding to the call of Laudato Si’ in your organisation and community
Ms Beth Riolo – Education Officer (Special Projects) in Strategic Planning & Policy/Office of the Director (SSP) at the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Wollongong
Participants will be invited to explore possibilities for their own organisations and communities as well as reflect on their own personal call to ecological conversion in response to Laudato Si’. The response of Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong (CEDoW) to the environmental call and challenge of Laudato Si’ will be used as a case study. It will outline the strategic approach CEDoW has taken in implementing environmental planning, formation, education and action across its system of schools.
1.9 Workshop: Ever ancient ever new – the voice of the young Church
Mr Joel Duval – Education Officer for Youth Ministry, Catholic Life, Education and Mission Services, Catholic Education Office, Wollongong
Ms Charlene Robson – Education Officer, Faith and Care, Catholic Education Office, Wagga Wagga
This workshop will focus on practical concepts Dioceses/Organisations/Groups can use with youth today in the secular world to assist them in exploring their faith and what that means. This focus includes both school and post school youth.
The workshop will affirm participants that the youth of today are faith-filled people who yearn for a relationship with God and what this looks like with practical examples.
This interactive workshop will focus on the key learnings from the 2018 Synod of Bishops on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment and explore what it means for us as a Church today.
The workshop process will include many practical tools and ideas for participants that might suit their own circumstances, diocese/organisation.
Concurrent Session
Tuesday May 14
1.00pm – 2.15pm
2.1 Masterclass: Leadership for Mission Today
Sr Carol Zinn SSJ – Executive Director of the Leadership Conference of Women
A masterclass exploring what leadership for mission means today. This session will consider key qualities and practices in a good leader, particularly in relation to the issues facing faith-based organisations.
2.2 Masterclass: What we in Australia can learn about mission from the global Church
Fr Noel Connolly SSC – Head of Mission and Culture, Catholic Institute of Sydney
By 2050, 80 percent of Catholics will live in or trace their origins to the Global South. The majority of missionaries already come from Brazil, India, the Philippines, Korea. This will challenge the 1,000-year European dominance in theology and spirituality. We must learn to welcome difference, to be less ethnocentric, to be more humble, to develop skills for multicultural living and be prepared to be evangelised. International missionaries and migrants and international organisations will have a unique role to play in building bridges of understanding and sympathy. In this masterclass by reflecting on the realities, challenges and gifts of being part of the global church we might be able to be more responsive to the needs of building the Kingdom in Australia. It might help us to be less fearful of difference and those different to us.
2.3 Masterclass: Risking Light: documentary film
Sr Gaye Lennon RSM – Institute Leadership Team
Risking Light is a thought provoking documentary film that explores three stories about people who had the courage to step out of the haunting, tragic darkness of the past, risking everything to reach the light of their own compassion. It explores the painful process of moving from grief to compassion and forgiveness. Risking Light challenges us to examine our own beliefs about forgiveness and asks “what would the world look like if we could learn to forgive one another?”
View the trailer here:
There will be a facilitated introduction and discussion after the viewing of the film.
2.4 Masterclass: The art of Contemplative Dialogue
Sr Lyndall Brown RSJ – Spiritual Accompanier of Retreats and Workshops
This Masterclass is to offer participants a deepening understanding of the underpinning value and practice of Contemplative Dialogue. I intend to give input on Evolutionary Consciousness and the theology underpinning it. We will explore Integral Consciousness and how it can be fostered through the art of Contemplative Listening and the skill of Contemplative Dialogue.
The input will be followed by modelling a Contemplative Dialogue Process with a small group. After a break the whole group around their tables will engage in the Process of Contemplative Dialogue providing an opportunity through this process to engage in dialogue around input received from the Guest Speakers.
The session will end with time to reflect on the wisdom of dialoguing in this manner.
2.5 Masterclass: Plenary Council 2020
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB – Archbishop of Perth
Mrs Lana Turvey-Collins – Plenary Facilitator
The Listening and Dialogue phase has now ended and marks the completion of the first stage of the journey towards Plenary Council 2020. The themes that have emerged from this phase will be announced from June 9.
This Masterclass is an opportunity to discuss with the President of the Plenary Council and the Lead Facilitator some of the insights from the analysis of the submissions and to have the opportunity to experience the process of the next stage, Listening and Discernment, which will begin at Pentecost 2019.
2.6 Conversation: Bishop Paul Tighe with Fr Richard Leonard SJ
Bishop Paul Tighe – Secretary, Pontifical Council for Culture
Fr Richard Leonard SJ – Director, Australian Catholic Office for Film and Broadcasting and Honorary Fellow of the Australian Catholic University
This session will be an open invitation for all participants to engage with Bishop Paul Tighe, conference keynote presenter. Join in the opportunity to share further in the thoughts and themes of Bishop Paul’s keynote presentation. Bring your questions and thoughts along, listen deeply to others, share your own perspective and let your voice be heard, with Fr Richard Leonard as facilitator.
2.7 Conversation: Mr Robert Fitzgerald AM
Mr Robert Fitzgerald AM – Commissioner, Productivity Commission
Robert will be part of the plenary panel on Supporting and protecting vulnerable and marginalised people, and he brings a particular perspective as a Commissioner on the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
This session will be an open invitation for all participants to engage with Robert Fitzgerald. Bring your questions and thoughts along, listen deeply to others, share your own perspective and let your voice be heard.
2.8 Workshop: The youth reality: Faith in action through the See, Judge, Act method
Ms Marilyn Bellett – Youth Liaison Officer, Catholic Mission and National Secretary, Australian Young Christian Workers
The Young Christian Students (YCS) and the Young Christian Workers (YCW) will lead an exploration into the current reality of young people in Australia. Using the See, Judge & Act method, we will learn how young people seek to change the world by translating their faith into action and how the Church, agencies, organisations and individuals can walk with young people on this journey. The YCS and the YCW seek to empower young people to find solutions to the problems they face in their realities and in doing this transform themselves and the world around them and live out the Gospel in everyday life.
2.9 Workshop: Governance as mission and opportunity for collaboration
Mr Lawrie Hallinan – Executive Officer, Association of Ministerial PJPs
Ms Ellen Geraghty – Mission Integration Manager, Institute of the Sisters of Mercy Australia
Dioceses, Religious Institutes, Ministerial PJPs and their ministries are clearly engaged in mission. In this workshop we invite CEOs/senior leaders, directors of mission, and others to come together to:
2.10 Workshop: Celebrating lay pastoral ministry: Faithful stewards of God’s grace
Ms Andrea Dean – Director, Office for the Participation of Women and the Office for Lay Pastoral Ministry
Faithful Stewards of God’s Grace (2018) provides a solid theological and pastoral underpinning for lay pastoral ministry in Australia. Come and explore the history, current practice and future of lay pastoral ministry. Rediscover that ‘joyful response to God’s love which summons us to mission and makes us fulfilled and productive’.
Concurrent Session
Tuesday May 14
2.30pm – 3.45pm
2.1 Masterclass: Leadership for Mission Today – continued from previous session
Sr Carol Zinn SSJ – Executive Director of the Leadership Conference of Women
2.2 Masterclass: What we in Australia can learn about mission from a global Church – continued from previous session
Fr Noel Connolly SSC
2.3 Masterclass: Risking Light – continued from previous session
Sr Gaye Lennon RSM – Institute Leadership Team
2.4 Masterclass: Contemplative Dialogue – continued from previous session
Sr Lyndall Brown RSJ
2.5 Masterclass: Plenary Council 2020 – continued from previous session
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB
Mrs Lana Turvey-Collins
3.6 Conversation: Dr Robyn Miller
Dr Robyn Miller – Chief Executive Officer, MacKillop Family Services
This session will be an open invitation for all participants to engage with breakfast keynote Dr Robyn Miller who will further share her wisdom, experience and knowledge in a facilitated conversation. Bring your questions and thoughts along, listen deeply to others, share your own perspective and let your voice be heard.
3.7 Conversation: Mrs Ravina Waldren and Mrs Evelyn Parkin
Mrs Ravina Waldren – Coordinator, Murri Ministry
Mrs Evelyn Parkin
This session will be an open invitation for all participants to engage with Indigenous leaders Mrs Ravina Waldren and Mrs Evelyn Parkin. Bring your questions and thoughts along, listen deeply to others, share your own perspective and let your voice be heard.
3.8 Workshop: Wake up the world: Being a missionary today
Sr Patricia Fox NDS – Sister of Our Lady of Sion
Pope Francis tells us in his encyclical’s Evangelii Gaudium and Laudato Si’ that the world is sick with issues of poverty and climate change, that can only be solved by dealing with the structural causes of inequality which he sees as the root of all social ills (#202). He calls on us to ‘Wake up the World’. Through sharing of experiences and ideas, the workshop will explore what this means to be a missionary today.
3.9 Workshop: Imagined responses to the baptised not present in mainstream Church
Fr Paul Roberts – Director, Institute for Mission, Parramatta
Mr Camilo ‘Donnie’ Velasco – Institute for Mission, Parramatta
A couple of years ago, Donnie and Paul were prioritising limited ministry time resources in their work for Parramatta Diocese’s small faith formation agency – The Institute for Mission (IFM). Following demographic and ecclesial research, a consultation process over many ‘table of eight’ dinners imagined a faith step-on point that’s about relationships, life story, discovery and leadership. The platform created, The FaithFeed, uses physical events serving an online space and aims to normalise the integration of faith in the everyday. With a continuing learning curve since the initiative launched in 2017, what’s now developing are related ideas for mainstream parish thinking. This thinking is not rocket science but aims to complement the many ideas for parish renewal and evangelisation that exist. In a nutshell, The ParishFeed is about ordinary people of faith being enabled to find do-able ways to normalise their reaching out to others in faith. This workshop will help participants learn new ways to invite people, in an ongoing way, into the mission space that is being presented. As well, the concepts presented are immediately translatable into people’s own contexts and participation in areas of mission.
Concurrent Session
Wednesday May 15
11.00am – 12.15pm
4.1 Masterclass: God on Mission in us to Renew Creation
Sr Michele Connolly SSC – Educator
This Masterclass on Scripture and Mission will argue that mission belongs to God. When I go on mission, I am a means to enable God’s mission to renew Creation, bringing it to fulfilment. God is on mission in me as a part of the Creation; what I can do is to allow God’s mission in me to flow through me to other people. I will explain biblical texts that support my claim; provide ways for the participants to reflect on and share with one another about these texts; invite some commentary from the group about how they can incorporate their reflections into their practice beyond the conference.
4.2 Masterclass: Leading organisational change for mission – the Wollongong Catholic Education story
Mr Mark Raue – Professional Assistant to the Director
Mrs Jo Kenny – Mission Formation Educator
Mr Ken Bryant – Head of Catholic Life, Education and Mission Services, Catholic Education, Diocese of Wollongong
Through dialogue, discernment, case study and lived experience, this Masterclass will explore principles of mission, organisational change and lived experience. The case study will focus on the recent commitment from Wollongong Catholic Education to embrace a new vision and strategic direction which is to be deeply embedded in a contemporary way of mission. This Masterclass will explore the journey of bringing this vision to life and offer participants a number of key learnings that may be applicable for leading organisational change for mission in their work and ministry.
4.3 Masterclass: Justice as an authentic way of living mission in today's world
Mr Phil Glendenning – Director, Edmund Rice Centre
This Masterclass will examine a contemporary update on the see-judge-act process, looking at what is happening in our church, country and world, and considering ways in which people of faith can respond. The Masterclass will look at the skills needed for effective justice and advocacy to make a difference in today's world, as faith 'with its boots on’.
4.4 Masterclass: Cross-cultural competency for mission
Mr Patrick Fox – Cross-cultural Consultant and Education Manager Immersion program, Catholic Mission
This masterclass is offered to meet the ever growing challenge of inter-personal relationships and cultural competency. The audience will sit in a three sided square and observe a cultural debrief roleplay with someone who is working in a challenging cross-cultural environment, utilising their cultural orientations indicator (COI) profile.
This will be done with the COI on the laptop, simultaneously projected on the large screen. The audience will be privy to the to and fro discussion around what happened, why is/was this challenging/difficult, what you could do differently, what would help etc.
There will be three breaks at 10-15 minute intervals to take questions from the audience and to clarify understanding of the cultural model.
Finally, there will be a broader discussion for all to consider and reflect upon:
4.5 Masterclass: Plenary Council 2020 (NB Because of demand this is a repeat of the Tuesday Masterclass)
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB – Archbishop of Perth
Mrs Lana Turvey-Collins – Plenary Facilitator
The Listening and Dialogue phase has now ended and marks the completion of the first stage of the journey towards Plenary Council 2020. The themes that have emerged from this phase will be announced from June 9.
This Masterclass is an opportunity to discuss with the President of the Plenary Council and the Lead Facilitator some of the insights from the analysis of the submissions and to have the opportunity to experience the process of the next stage, Listening and Discernment, which will begin at Pentecost 2019.
4.6 Conversation: Sr Carol Zinn SSJ
Sr Carol Zinn SSJ – Executive Director of the Leadership Conference of Women
This session will be an open invitation for all participants to engage with Sr Carol Zinn about leadership, mission, spirituality, formation and much more. Bring your questions and thoughts along, listen deeply to others, share your own perspective and let your voice be heard.
4.7 Workshop: Leadership – A Way of Being and a Way of Doing
Mrs Mary Leahy – Consultant, Xenia Pneuma Consultancy
The workshop will aim to challenge some of the rhetoric of contemporary leadership and move participants to identify and apply leadership processes and practices that give witness to Jesus’ mission.
Having worked in Catholic Organisations and Not-for-Profits for over three decades, I have experienced the challenge of being true to myself as a leader. Leading in challenging times requires the courage to question; to critically self-reflect; to share something of oneself and to engage in robust and respectful dialogue in the search for truth.
This workshop will focus on participants better knowing themselves as leaders and knowing others so that tailoring of communication, applying effective leadership processes and practices can facilitate honest and open dialogue, promote personal growth and potentially shift individuals’ perspectives over time.
4.8 Workshop: The reality of married clergy in our Church today
Mr Tony Hoban
Mrs Annette Hoban
While many see the need for married priests in our Church, there is little awareness of the married clergy who already minister, permanent deacons. Deacon Tony Hoban and his wife, Annette, have been married for almost 31 years and last year commenced a new role of forming a new Catholic faith community in a new suburb in Sydney’s west. They will share the joys and challenges and vision of mutual ministry in a ‘start up’ community.
This Workshop will ask people to reflect on Tony and Annette’s story, or what they have heard from others in the discussion that might be applicable to their situation, the broader church and their area of ministry.
4.9 Workshop: Human Trafficking
Mrs Christine Carolyn – Executive Officer, ACRATH
Sr Noelene Simmons SM – President, Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans
ACRATH and St Vincent's Health Australia (SVHA) have just finished their second year of a collaborative project to address human trafficking as it is encountered in Australia. This interactive workshop, co-presented by ACRATH and SVHA, will explore the opportunities to recognise human trafficking in Australia and to identify ways each participant can take action in their own life and in their community and workplace. The new Australian law, the Modern Slavery Act, will be explained.
4.10 Workshop: Wonder and Awe: The crucial first step in personal formation to implement the teachings from Laudato Si’
Mr Bernard Holland – Director, Catholic Earthcare Australia
This workshop will scope out where our formation as Catholic Christians needs to be underpinned by personal experiences in nature that connect heart, mind and soul enabling an ecological conversion to take place.
The workshop will ground learning from personal experience and walk you through a change process with examples to illustrate how one’s heart, head and hands can carry out the mission of the church by enculturating Laudato Si’ into our life and your Catholic agency or organisation.
This workshop is for those who need their batteries charged ‘in this space’ or need to convert their thinking and behaviour from ‘fossil to the future’.
Concurrent Session
Wednesday May 15
12.15pm – 1.30pm
4.1 Masterclass: God on Mission in us to Renew Creation – continued from previous session
Sr Michele Connolly RSJ
4.2 Masterclass: Leading organisational change for mission – the Wollongong Catholic Education story – continued from previous session
Mr Mark Raue
Mrs Jo Kenny
Mr Ken Bryant
4.3 Masterclass: Justice as an authentic way of living mission in today's world – continued from previous session
Mr Phil Glendenning
4.4 Masterclass: Cultural competence for mission – continued from previous session
Mr Patrick Fox
4.5 Masterclass: Plenary Council 2020 – continued from previous session
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB
Mrs Lana Turvey-Collins
5.6 Workshop: Valuing LGBTIQA+ people. How can we include all?
Fr Peter Maher – Pastoral Supervisor and Supervisor Trainer
Ms Stephanie Fenton – Co-Chair, Equal Voices Australia
LGBTIQA+ Christians can find it difficult to be included because of prejudice and discrimination based on the teachings of the church. This workshop will offer a space to explore what has changed in recent times as we have come to better understand LGBTIQA+ realities and their stories, church teaching and biblical understanding. We will encourage sharing ideas and experiences that assist including LGBTIQA+ Christians as members of the church with gifts to share, rather than broken people needing help. We believe it is time to move away from seeing LGBTIQA+ people as clients and include them as ministers of evangelisation.
5.7 Workshop: For Just Such a Time as This: Theological formation for a future still unknown
Sr Maeve Heaney VDMF – Director of Xavier Centre for Theological Formation, ACU
This workshop will open a space to think laterally and creatively about what Church leadership and belonging in Australia could, and should, look like into the future. Through words and music, it will explore our understanding of theological formation as an essential aspect of that journey: what is theology and how does it connect with our lived faith experience? What kind of theological reflection lays the foundation for the Church’s mission and structure as it develops? Can we identify the essential dimensions of that formation, as well as some of the pedagogy and instruments necessary for it to be fruitful?
5.8 Workshop: Liturgy as source and summit of the Church’s mission
Professor Clare Johnson – Director, ACU Centre for Liturgy, Australian Catholic University
The liturgy, as “the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed” and “the source from which all the Church’s power flows” (SC#10), complements, supports and inspires the Church’s key mission activities of evangelisation, education, charity, and living out the apostolate. This workshop investigates how good liturgy can be source and summit of the Church’s missionary activities through its expression and strengthening of Catholic faith and identity, and as a privileged encounter with God. Consider how liturgy relates to your mission work and explore examples of different types of liturgies for use in a variety of mission contexts.
5.9 Workshop: Christian-Muslim relations after Christchurch
Fr Patrick McInerney SSC – Director, Columban Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations
Sheikh Wesam Charkawi – Founder, Abuhanifa Institute
Patrick and Sheikh Wesam will present on Christian-Muslim relations from their respective faith points of view. They will engage with each other in conversation, modelling interfaith dialogue. They will invite the participants to join in their conversation by asking questions about what they have seen and heard.
5.10 Workshop: Listening to the Spirit on social media
Mr Gavin Abraham – Media and Communications Director, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
Social and digital media is a space where confrontation and even hatred can be easily seen. But how can online platforms be used to proclaim the Good News of Jesus and the good news of the Church? How can a Church lacking in credibility – and even relevance – help transform online discourse into productive, faith-filled conversations?
“Wonderful experience. Great variety of workshops. All very challenging keynotes.”
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