Mission 2017, 15-17 May 2017, Sydney
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Welcome 2017!

16 February, 2017

And we hope to welcome you to the Mission: one heart many voices conference this May 15-17 at SMC Conference & Function Centre, 66 Goulburn St, Sydney.

Take advantage of Early Bird Registration and book now click here. We would love to hear your voice too.

If you’ve attended before, you don’t want to miss this year’s conference. We have a lot of surprises in stall and a few tricks up our sleeve. If this is your first opportunity to attend we encourage you to join us and share in the spirit of learning, sharing and experiencing all that the one heart of mission has to offer!

A conference first

For the first time ever this MOHMV conference will be hosting Masterclasses. On offer are five Masterclasses to help you take your knowledge and understanding to the next level. Experts in their field, the presenters will concentrate on in depth collaborative learning.

The Masterclass’s on offer are:

Masterclass: Excellence in formation – How to most effectively lead formation learning and practice

Br David Hall fms, Founding Dean, La Salle Academy for Religious Education, ACU

Masterclass: Leading organisational change with Mission at the heart

Dr Ricki Jefferies, CEO, CentacareCQ

Masterclass: Scriptural foundations of Mission

Archbishop Mark Coleridge, Archbishop of Brisbane

Masterclass: Mission theology and cultural competence

Fr Tim Norton SVD Director of Courses, Centro ‘Ad Gentes’ and Fr Noel Connolly SSC Head of Mission Studies, BBI and Catholic Institute

Masterclass: Strategic and effective advocacy for change

Mr Martin Laverty, CEO Royal Flying Doctor Service

MOHMV Website

The conference website is constantly being updated as presenters are confirmed. We anticipate the program and breakout choices being finalised by the end of this month. If you have or will register before then, please don’t be worried about missing out on your choice – you will be contacted as soon as breakout selection goes live.

We hope that the voices heard loudest in our world this year are working towards the mission of justice, peace and mercy.

We hope to see you soon,

The Conference Committee

Season’s Greetings!

14 December, 2016

Dear Friends,

As we continue the time of Advent, we wait and prepare for the birth of joy and new life in Christ. May we all experience this time being present to one another, sharing stories from the year past and making plans for the year to come. Catholic Religious Australia and Catholic Mission wish you and your loved ones a peace-filled and joyous Christmas Season!

An End of Year Reminder…

You may have the dates for the Mission 2017 Conference, in your diary – don’t forget to register! It’s a simple process, just click here and complete your details and you will officially be on the invite list!

The Mission Conference will be held from May 15-17, 2017 at the SMC Function Centre in Sydney CBD and will be an outstanding experience of professional and personal development. You and your colleagues will be energized, nourished and renewed to continue living and leading mission through your work.

“The conference is an inspiring experience of the breadth and scope of Catholic mission services and activites…” Lorraine McCarthy, Alpha Australia

Sr Ruth Durick, President of Catholic Religious Australia says of the up and coming conference…

“Mission: one heart many voices conference is a great opportunity for very diverse groups of people to gather, share, reflect and dialogue together about the important foundations of mission. There will be inspiring input sessions and opportunities to share some of the challenges of particular areas of work and to receive encouragement on the journey. The Church is multi-dimensional and multi-faceted in its mission and conferences such as Mission: one heart many voices articulate some of this diversity and richness which is a grace for all of us.”

Come along, join us for this great event and invite your colleagues and friends. Put the dates in your diary today… Mission 2017 Conference, 15-17 May 2017.

Great News!

  • Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen, Bishop of Parramatta has recently confirmed he will give the keynote address at the conference breakfast on Tuesday 16th May. This is sure to be inspiring and prophetic. Attending the conference breakfast is included in your registration and will be a morning not to be missed!
  • Fr Tim Norton SVD, Director of Courses, Centro ‘Ad Gentes, Rome and previous provincial of the Divine Word Missionaries has agreed to return to Australia to participate in the conference as co-emcee. He brings with him immeasurable experience and a perspective of intercultural mission that will add great wisdom to the facilitation of conference.

Conference Program Online!

A draft Conference Program is now available, to view click here.

In the early stages of 2017 workshops, seminars and masterclasses will be added to the program and open for registration. Your subscription to this newsletter will keep you updated with the latest news.

Peace and blessings to you,

The Conference Committee

Meet Mrs Evelyn Enid Parkin

18 October 2016

Today is the feast day of St Luke the Evangelist. Luke’s Gospel provides us with one of the most compelling portraits of mercy in the parable of the forgiving father. This story transcends time and culture and in our work of living and leading mission we can ask ourselves how the message of this parable is visible in our daily lives and commitment to mission.

“We have been waiting for thirty years now since (now Saint) Pope John Paul II gave his speech in Alice Springs. I live in hope that one day soon this speech will come to fruition.”

In this newsletter, we would like to introduce you to one of the conference’s key note presenters, Mrs Evelyn Enid Parkin.

To read her biography click here.

Meet Mrs Evelyn Enid Parkin

Evelyn Parkin is a Quandamooka woman of Moreton Bay, Queensland. As a keynote presenter at the conference she will present on Aboriginal Theology and Spirituality. We are grateful for her generosity in agreeing to join us and in telling us a little about herself in her answers below.

What inspires and nurtures you in your work, study, perspectives?

My inspiration comes from my Ancestors who left a legacy of a deep spirituality that embraces my whole being. To be guided by my Ancestors stories of faith, connection and knowing that there is a Higher Power.

Who and what has influenced your world view and how has it evolved over time?

I give thanks to my Mother, Bethel, who taught me about silence, listening and seeing things around me as we walked in the bush. I also give thanks to my Great Aunt Bethel, she along with Mum prepared the children for our Sacraments. I have a background that supported me into my adulthood.

And, being challenged throughout my life as an Aboriginal Christian, I had begun to read, study and research for the Trinity in this ancient land.

What hopes do you have for the future of mission, Church and leadership?

We have been waiting for thirty years now since (now Saint) Pope John Paul II gave his speech in Alice Springs. I live in hope that one day soon this speech will come to fruition. Because as Pope John Paul shared, then, the Church will be the proper Church that Jesus wants her to be when the Indigenous People have contributed to her and that contribution has been joyfully received. The Australian Indigenous People will be great leaders in sharing of culture and church.

In this Jubilee Year of Mercy what has been some of the most significant expressions that have captured your imagination and affected you?

One important event that I attended was a Retreat held at Alice Springs by NATSICC (National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Catholic Commission). The Theme was ‘Reconciliation – with God, with each other and with the Land’. I would like to share parts of a video where I spoke about the Sacraments from an Aboriginal Christians perspective.

Welcome to a new Sponsor

We gratefully thank and welcome the Sisters of Saint Joseph, Lochinvar for their generosity and commitment to the conference as Gold Sponsors.

There’s still time for you to be a Sponsor or Exhibitor. For Sponsorship opportunities click here.

Register Today

We hope to see your face and hear your voice in 2017. We’ve been delighted by the number of people already registered. It not too early to join them.

Please share this newsletter with anyone you know who is inspired to strive creatively for justice, peace, reconciliation and God’s mission of mercy. We’d love to welcome them too.

In the words of Pope Francis, “…what are you waiting for?”

We look forward to writing to you again soon,

The Conference Committee

Meet Key note speaker Dr Cathy Ross

6 September 2016

We hope you have had a beautiful start to spring. In this newsletter, we would like to introduce you to one of the conference’s key note speakers, Dr Cathy Ross. To read her biography click here.

Meet Dr Cathy Ross

Cathy Ross is a New Zealander who is currently a Lecturer in Mission, Regent’s Park College, Oxford. She has kindly agreed to tell us a little about herself in preparation for her presentations at the conference.

What inspires and nurtures you in your work, study, perspectives?

People who are joyful and intentional in mission – working and serving on the edges, living on the margins, seeking out the lost and the little ones. I am nurtured by reading, long walks and good coffee – ie relationships.

Who and what has influenced your world view and how has it evolved over time?

Pope Francis as a man of integrity, joy and simplicity and a person who encourages and shows mercy. I am increasingly challenged and moved by those who serve on the margins, those who are unknown but who serve faithfully. I think I am increasingly drawn to a John the Baptist spirituality – we must decrease while Jesus increases. And I have been influenced by feminist theologies that have helped me be attuned to what women and other groups on the margins have to offer the world and the church. I also love reading novels and am a passionate All Blacks supporter – impressed by their amazing team work and ability to trust one another and have fun on the field.

What hopes do you have for the future of mission, Church and leadership?

More of the John the Baptist approach and less of a celebrity culture! More dependence on God and less attraction to power and influence. More women in leadership. A church that is truly counter cultural (not anti-cultural) – not captivated by money, power and unjust market economies. A church that is truly a world church – where the wall of division is broken down and all cultures come before Christ redeemed to be truly who God created them to be, to worship God. That World Christianity could demonstrate its unity with all its rich cultural diversity – what Scottish mission historian Andrew Walls calls the Ephesian Moment.

In this Jubilee Year of Mercy what has been some of the most significant expressions that have captured your imagination and affected you?

The Pope speaking to ordinary people. That being with is more important than doing for.  We are called to be alongsiders not fixers. And as American preacher Barbara Brown Taylor says the incarnation is all about the practice of wearing skin – I love that – we all have skin and we are all human beings together equal at the foot of the Cross.

We hope you are able to ‘meet’ more of the conference’s keynote speakers as we get closer to May, 2017.

Register Today

We hope to see your face and hear your voice in 2017. We’ve been delighted by the number of people already registered. It not too early to join them.



The Francis Effect III

To pre-order your copy of The Francis Effect III click here.

Please share this newsletter with anyone you know who is inspired to strive creatively for justice, peace, reconciliation and God’s mission of mercy. We’d love to welcome them too.

In the words of Pope Francis, “…what are you waiting for?”

We look forward to writing to you again soon,

The Conference Committee

Just ten months and counting......

26 July 2016

Our voices will come together on May 17, 2017 – just over ten months from now. As all the elements of the program come together and presenters are confirmed, we remain mindful and respectful that this conference is a unique opportunity to listen, converse and experience the many and diverse voices that are an expression of the one heart of mission.

We hope the conference will empower participants with a vision of mission that is scriptural and theological, enabling, encouraging and inspiring us all to take up the challenges the Gospel and Pope Francis lay before us.

It will be a time to reflect and imagine with many surprises along the way.

Register Today

We hope to see your face and hear your voice in 2017. We’ve been delighted by the number of people already registered. It not too early to join them!


We welcome with many and grateful thanks Platinum Sponsors Australian Catholic University and Catholic Church Insurance. Without their support and that of our Principal Sponsor WN Bull and Gold Sponsors The Institute of the Sisters of Mercy Australia and Papua New Guinea and Sisters of Saint Joseph, this conference would not be possible. For Sponsorship opportunities click here.


A Running Jump – Imagine, Create, Act
The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart celebrate their 150 years with a social justice conference.

Hosted by:

Mary MacKillop Place,
North Sydney NSW,

August 17-18, 2016.

To register click here.

Proclaim 2016
Proclaim 2016 is a conference on the New Evangelisation. This conference is organised and hosted by the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay on behalf of the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference.

The Concourse,
Chatswood NSW,

September 1-3, 2016.

To register click here.

Breaking the Silence – Family Violence Awareness Dinner

To celebrate the Year of Mercy, the Catholic Diocesan Schools Council will be holding the Breaking the Silence – Family Violence Awareness Dinner.

For more details please click here.

The Francis Effect III

To pre-order your copy of The Francis Effect III click here.

Guess Who's Coming To MOHMV 2017?

27 June 2016

Speakers include:

Professor Robert Schreiter CPPS

Professor Elaine Wainwright RSM

Adjunct Professor Frank Brennan SJ

Dr Cathy Ross

Mrs Evelyn Parkin

Professor Larissa Behrendt

Many and grateful thanks to our Principal Sponsor WN Bull and Gold Sponsors The Institute of the Sisters of Mercy Australia and Papua New Guinea and Sisters of Saint Joseph. For Sponsorship opportunities click here.

We hope to see your face and hear your voice in 2017. It not too early to register!

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Platinum sponsors:

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To register click here.

To register click here.

For more details please click here.

To pre-order your copy of The Francis Effect III click here.

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