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Collaborating in something much larger than ourselves
20 April 2015
Executives and leaders from around Australia will descend upon Sydney’s SMC Conference and Function Centre in May for Australia’s premier Catholic conference on mission.
Over 300 people are expected to attend ‘Mission: one heart many voices 2015’, a multi-sector dialogue on living the Joy of the Gospel and leading mission, which will run in Sydney from 18-20 May.
Father Noel Connolly, Chair of the Australian Mission Network and head of mission studies at the Columban Mission Institute, says this year’s conference will echo the success of the inaugural edition two years ago. ‘There was an energy and equality [in 2013] that only mission can bring,’ Fr Connolly said. ‘The 2015 conference promises to have the same spirit.
We are collaborating in something much larger than ourselves: God’s life and mission in the world.’
Presented by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious Australia, this second national mission conference offers outstanding keynotes, four panel discussions and up to thirty workshops targeted at leaders of mission across many Catholic sectors, including parish, health and aged care, education, social services and more.
Among those attending will be directors, CEOs, executives, religious leaders, and academics, many of whom will contribute their experience and insight to the panels and workshops.
Fr Connolly, a presenter at the event, says the conference’s themes draw on the vision of Pope Francis, presented in his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium and expected in his eagerly-awaited encyclical on the environment. ‘The major aim of the conference is to give those “out on the streets” and perhaps “bruised, hurting and dirty” a ... vision that will unite, encourage, sustain and enable them in their various vocations,’ Fr Connolly said.
Adopting a particularly environmental theme in 2015, ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ will play host to a list of renowned leaders in mission and ecology from across the global Catholic spectrum, including Fr Stephen Bevans, Mrs Jacqui Rémond, Dr Maryanne Loughry, Professor Patrick Dodson and Fr Denis Edwards.
The conference presents wide-ranging benefits to attendees and their networks, says Fr Connolly. ‘It is an opportunity to gather “many voices”,’ he says. ‘It should not only be an opportunity for personal renewal, but for congregations and organisations to provide professional development for their staff.’
The ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ conference will run in Sydney from 18-20 May 2015. Registrations are still open, but places are fast running out for this groundbreaking event. For more information call 1800 257 296.
Get the most out of your conference
31 March 2015
An extraordinary opportunity awaits participants this conference with the voices of over 60 presenters sharing their stories. Whose story will you listen to and what story will you share?
As well as the keynote presentations and plenary sessions you can choose between attending panels, workshops or forums. Here’s a sneak peak of what’s on offer…
Panels with:
Ms Julia Abrahams, Director of Mission and Senior Counsel, Catholic Healthcare
Ms Jenny Allen, Executive Director of Schools, Diocese of Bathurst
Professor Anne Cummins, Deputy Vice Chancellor, ACU
Fr Peter Confeggi, Parish Priest of Blacktown, Diocese of Parramatta
Ms Julie Edwards, CEO, Jesuit Social Services
Dr John Falzon, CEO, St Vincent de Paul
Mr Phil Glendenning, Chair, Refugee Council of Australia
Ms Suzanne Greenwood, CEO Catholic Health Australia
Ms Angela Hague, Educator – Early Childhood
Mr Tony Hollamby, CEO, St John of God Accord
Bishop Peter Ingham, Bishop of Wollongong
Ms Marcelle Mogg, CEO, Catholic Social Services Australia
Ms Julie Morgan, Executive Education, ACU
Mr Benjamin Munday, Assistant Principal, Holy Family Primary School Granville
Ms Sophie Stewart, Campaign Coordinator, Australian Young Christian Students
Ms Martin Teulan, CEO, Catholic Mission
Workshops with:
Leaders and practitioners, expert in their field, who will facilitate opportunities for sharing and learning.
Keynote discussion forums with:
Fr Stephen Bevans
Prof Patrick Dodson
Dr Maryanne Loughry
Fr Denis Edwards and Mrs Jacqui Remond
Panel, workshop and forum choices will be live next week and you’ll be invited to register.
Keep a lookout in your inbox.
Conference Registration
Numbers are strictly limited so please encourage your colleagues, friends and others you know that are interested in the conference to register now and avoid disappointment.
Enjoy the early bird rate by registering now HERE.
Your Voice
You have a voice and we want to hear it! Please email us any thoughts, ideas, questions, inspirations and challenges you might have and want us to be aware of in preparation for the conference. To quote one from Pope Francis … “So what are we waiting for?” (EG 120)
We look forward to hearing your voice and seeing you in May.
The Conference Team
Freecall: 1800 257 296
Email: mohmvconferenceteam@catholicmission.org.au
Mission conference to embrace a green “revolution of tenderness”
24 March 2015
With Pope Francis soon to issue an encyclical on the environment, Australia’s premier conference on mission will adopt a very green hue when it begins in Sydney in May.
The ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ conference, to be held at the SMC Conference Centre in Sydney’s CBD, is set to be a stirring exchange of ideas, boasting some of the world’s forefront minds on mission, theology and ecology.
A raft of experts will lead the conference, including the world-renowned missiologist Father Stephen Bevans; Catholic Earthcare Australia National Director Jacqui Remond; science and theology expert Fr Denis Edwards; Indigenous leader Professor Patrick Dodson; and highly-respected theologian and archaeologist Fr Eugene Stockton.
The conference, presented by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious Australia, will take place amidst an air of anticipation surrounding Pope Francis’ eagerly awaited encyclical on the environment, expected to be released in coming months.
Catholic Mission Deputy National Director Peter Gates says the conference will combine both reflection and foresight. “As did its inaugural version in 2013, ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ will draw heavily on the words of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium,” he says.
“In particular we are called to ‘run the risk of a face-to-face encounter with others’. The conference embraces this calling ahead of the coming encyclical, with multi-sector dialogue that aims to contribute to the ‘revolution of tenderness’, to which Pope Francis claims we are all summoned. This revolution of tenderness is never more critical than in our interaction with each other and our environment.”
Mr Gates says that, with a slate of thoroughly engaging keynote addresses and workshops, the conference is a must for leaders of mission across the many ministries of the Church, including the parish, health and aged care, education and social services sectors. “This is the premier conference on living the Joy of the Gospel and leading mission in the context of today,” says Mr Gates.
“This year promises to be an even more dynamic and engaging event, especially in tackling one of the most important issues of our time: the environment. What better time to bring together so many brilliant voices than in anticipation of an historic encyclical on that very issue?”
The ‘Mission: one heart many voices’ conference will run in Sydney from 18-20 May 2015. Registrations are still open for this groundbreaking event. For more information call 1800 257 296.
A delegation of delegates
24 February 2015
The Catholic Education Office in the Diocese of Wollongong has made a commitment to incorporating the Mission: one heart many voices 2015 conference as part of their teacher’s professional and personal development, sponsoring at least 40 participants. Mr Ken Bryant, Head of Service: Catholic Life, Education and Mission writes:
“As part of its new strategic direction, the Catholic Education Office of the Wollongong Diocese has made a strong commitment to deepen its engagement with the broader mission of the church. As part of this strategic plan the Catholic Education Office has agreed to sponsor the attendance of each school’s Religious Education Coordinator and other significant CEO personnel within the Wollongong Diocese to this year’s Mission: one heart many voices 2015 conference. It will be an outstanding opportunity to provide personnel with a richness and depth of experience not only in education but from other sectors and ministries of the church that will enhance their professional and personal development.
“It is deeply hoped that this conference will inspire significant personnel of Catholic Education Wollongong to more fully embrace the call of Pope Francis, who calls for us to ‘stay close to the marginalised and be shepherds living with the smell of the sheep.’ We are immensely pleased and proud to be part of the outstanding opportunity presented by the Mission: one hearts many voices conference and look forward with great anticipation to actioning its call within our own diocesan community.”
We look forward to welcoming this delegation and will work closely with Ken and CEO Wollongong to ensure it is an inspiring and enriching experience of professional and personal development for all.
Creation and Mission
The Mission: one heart many voices 2015 conference will be a place to reflect, respond and reconnect with our place in the wider scope of creation. In preparation for Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the environment expected to be released later this year, and the unmistakable role of creation and our natural environment plays in mission, we have been able to secure some outstanding presenters.
Among these are Jacqui Remond and Denis Edwards. They will look more deeply into the theology of ecology and that stewardship is pivotal to living and leading mission. Exploring, enhancing and engaging with the keynotes, several hands on workshops will be offered to participants, lead by personnel from organisations including:
Stay tuned to other workshops available revolving around this timely topic.
The list of presenters committed to the conference is growing each day. To view the continually updated list, CLICK HERE
Join us for breakfast
A highlight of the three conference days will take place on Day 2 with a leadership for mission breakfast to begin the day. This stand out session will include a special keynote address focused on Pope Francis’ vision and leadership for mission while we enjoy table fellowship. This unique time will be an opportunity to network, connect and participate in a way unlike the normal course of a conference. We hope it is for you, one of the highlights of the conference.
Welcome to Church Resources
We thank and welcome Church Resources as Conference Partners and look forward to seeing them at the conference. Without the commitment of organisations like Church Resources, we would be unable to keep the cost of registration affordable. CLICK HERE to see what Church Resources has to offer
Sponsorship and Exhibition Space
For those interested in Sponsorship or Exhibiting, it’s not too late. For further information please do not hesitate to contact Peter Gates 1800 257 296 or CLICK HERE
Conference Registration
We have been delighted with the support and enthusiasm of those who have registered for the conference, with at least 200 already committed to attending. Numbers are strictly limited so please encourage your colleagues, friends and others you know that are interested in the conference to register now and avoid disappointment.
Enjoy the early bird rate by registering now! CLICK HERE
We look forward to seeing you in May.
Welcome to 2015
January 2015
2015 has begun for many around the world in great joy and for others in great grief. From global news, to stories in our community, we are constantly reminded of the extremities of the human experience. On whatever road this year leads you, we wish you and your neighbours a blessed and peace filled New Year, inspired by the joy of the Gospel.
Conference Registration
“Of course, all of us are called to mature in our work as evangelisers. We want to have better training, a deepening love and a clearer witness to the Gospel. In this sense, we ought to let others be constantly evangelising us. But this does not mean that we should postpone the evangelising mission; rather, each of us should find ways to communicate Jesus wherever we are. All of us are called to offer others an explicit witness to the saving love of the Lord, who despite our imperfections offers us his closeness, his word and his strength, and gives meaning to our lives.” (EG 121)
We invite you to engage with and share your voice and experience with us at Mission: one heart many voices conference this May 18-20 at SMC Conference and Function Centre, Sydney.
If you haven’t registered yet, take advantage of the early bird rate by registering now.
The journey so far...
We have been tremendously encouraged by the generous support and enthusiasm of sponsors, organisations, ministries and agencies as well as individuals for Mission: one heart many voices conference. We are expecting at least 400 participants on each of the three days and have been extremely fortunate to secure presenters with broad lived and practical experience to deliver keynotes, panel discussions and workshops.
To add to the growing list of confirmed presenters, mentioned in our last communication prior to Christmas, we are delighted to announce the following:
Ms Julie Morgan, Corporate Development Manager and Lecturer, ACU
Sr Gaye Lennon rsm, Mercy Works Coordinator Offshore and Indigenous Projects
Mrs Angela Hague, Coordinator Atrium Early Childhood Formation
Dr John Falzon, CEO SVdP Society National Council of Australia
With over 400 participants expected to join the conference each day, we are pleased to be able to offer exhibition space for those interested in reaching an enthusiastic audience. Over three days exhibitors will be able to engage with participants throughout the day. The new conference venue, SMC Conference & Function Centre has two welcoming and spacious foyers that will be home to our exhibitors and photographic exhibition, “Faith at Work”. You may know some organisation, agency or community that may benefit from having a presence at this gathering. If so, please pass this information on or encourage them to contact Peter Gates 1800 257 296.
We look forward to hearing your voice and welcoming you as we journey towards Mission: one heart many voices conference in May. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any help.
Reflection, Speakers and Christmas Wishes
22 December 2014
This special time of year in our faith and calendar is time to stop, reflect and give thanks. In your own lives stories are written of joy and sorrow, personal triumphs and grief. Over the last few days in Sydney we have witnessed events that remind us more of the trials and sadness of Good Friday, than the hope and expectation of Advent.
The enormous impact of the #illridewithyou hashtag speaks to the potential for leadership and influence of each person with a passion for a cause. A single act of personal connection quickly grew into a global phenomenon. It was not social media that made this happen: it was social media users that made this happen. A human act of kindness opened the door to a flood of interconnectedness and the recognition that amidst fear and grief and anger, it is possible to choose something bigger. Sydneysiders and the global community have chosen to celebrate life and goodness rather than be diminished by these tragic events.
We’re reminded that each day, all over the world, the experience that Sydney has now tasted is daily fare. Many of you have first-hand experience of this, having lived and worked in places where fear and violence are not rare. Your stories of how the joy of the Gospel is able to shine in this darkness are the stories we need to hear and share. It is easy enough for us to say that Easter follows Good Friday, but it is your stories of daily living and leading that make Gospel joy come alive in each heart.
Registrations for the Mission: one heart many voices conference are open. Take advantage of Early Bird rates and register now. CLICK HERE
We are very excited about the growing list of speakers and presenters who will share their voice and experience with us at the Mission: one heart, many voices conference in May, 2015. Some of the speakers and workshop presenters that have confirmed their participation include:
Archbishop Julian Porteous – Archbishop of Hobart, Sr Monica Cavanagh rsj – Congregational Leader of the Sisters of St Joseph and National Council Member of Catholic Religious Australia, Mr Phil Glendenning – President of the Refugee Council of Australia and Director of The Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education, Bishop David Walker – Emeritus Bishop of Broken Bay and Director of The Spirituality Centre, Mr Martin Teulan – National Director Catholic Mission, Mr Graeme Mundine – Executive Officer of Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, Archdiocese of Sydney, Mrs Thea Ormerod – President, Australian Religious Response to Climate Change
Wishing you a blessed, safe and joyful Christmas. We look forward to seeing you and hearing your voice in the coming year.
New Speakers Confirmed!
17 September 2014
As planning for the Mission: one heart many voices 2015 conference progresses, we are delighted and grateful that a number of experts in their field have agreed to present and share their voices with us. Envisioning a gathering that will explore Pope Francis' vision for mission, speakers will encourage and inspire us all to take up his challenges in the various roles we play in the mission of the Church.
Catholic Earthcare Australia Director Mrs Jacqui Rémond along with internationally renowned Australian theologian Father Denis Edwards will explore mission in an ecological context and the significance of stewardship in the Christian message for the world. Their though provoking presentation will share in the passion Pope Francis has exhibited towards the environment and how we can live an ecological vocation.
Sisters of Mercy psychologist Maryanne Loughry specialises in the mental health effects of trauma on refugees and she will share her stories from a local and global perspective. As Assistant Director of the Jesuit Refugee Service, Sister Maryanne shares the compassion Pope Francis has towards some of the most marginalised people in the world.
As a direct representative of Pope Francis, the conference will also hear the voice of Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Paul Gallagher. Archbishop Gallagher’s time as a Vatican Diplomat has taken him around the world.
Many, many more voices will also be part of this conference. The program format will include keynote addresses, forums, presentations and workshops. Stay tuned for the confirmation of more presenters.
We hope your voice will participate in the Mission: one heart many voices 2015 conference too.
Faith at Work
15 July 2014
Mission: one heart many voices 2015 has been fortunate to secure the insightful and poignant images taken by Oliver Strewe in the Faith at Work Exhibition sponsored by the Catholic Commission for Employment Relations.
Catholic organisations are a part of the fabric of Australian society, employing over 180,000 people across an array of sectors and ministries. Over a year, Oliver travelled around Australian Catholic workplaces to document the Church’s work and the many and varied faces of its people and their ministries. In doing this, Oliver has attempted to document the diversity and unique connection between the spiritual and the everyday world of work.
In this work of artistry, the beautiful images capture in their essence the spirit of the Mission: one heart many voices 2015 conference. We are delighted to use some of these images in promoting the conference as well as exhibiting them over the three day gathering in May 2015.
Oliver Strewe
Oliver Strewe has worked as a photographer since the 1970′s and has lived in Bondi for just about as long. Since then he has taken photographs for many books including the award winning Wine Atlas of Australia & New Zealand and Wine Atlas of California, a number of Lonely Planet World Food Guides and the classic Bondi book. His most recent books include Beaches, Bays and Coves of Sydney, A Slow Guide to Sydney, Lines of Wisdom and Shoes for the Moscow Circus. Oliver has worked extensively as a photographer, both here in Australia and around the world.
About the Catholic Commission for Employment Relations
The Catholic Commission for Employment Relations is a unique not for profit organisation with responsibility for advising Catholic employers in NSW and the ACT on a broad range of employment law, employment relations and human resource issues. www.ccercatholic.org.au
Key Note Speaker Confirmed! Father Stephen Bevans SVD
8 July 2014
Father Stephen Bevans has again kindly agreed to be one of Mission: one heart many voices 2015
key note speakers. Overwhelmingly popular and well-received in 2013, Stephen’s response to the leadership of the mission of the Church today is something worth waiting for.
Following is an excerpt from a recent article he wrote for the Ecumenical Review published by the World Council of Churches:
“Catholics around the world are excited by the election of their new pope: Pope Francis. They have been amazed by the pope’s clear missionary outreach to people of all sorts – the poor, Muslim prisoners, divorced, GLBT persons. The Pope has urged Catholics to go to the world’s peripheries, to be “missionary disciples” in the words of the Aparecida document of which he was the principal author. We see in Francis a new missionary presence, one of authenticity, humanness, friendliness. As one Catholic theologian remarked in a response she gave at a theological meeting, when she saw the photo of Pope Francis bending down to kiss the foot of a young Muslim woman on Holy Thursday of this year, she saw the face of God. Catholic mission is committed to ecumenism, steeped in its venerable tradition, rooted in trinitarian faith, clear about its multifaceted nature, empowered by its sacramental vision. This new time in the Catholic Church is hopefully pointing to a future where all of this will be more clearly embodied in the women and men who engage in mission and so participate in God’s holy work in this world.”
Complete article can be found HERE
Conference Endorsed by:
With thanks:
Images courtesy of the Catholic Commission for Employment Relations www.faithatwork2014.com
Conference Partners:
Conference Friends:
Conference Sponsors:
Conference Organisers: